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The most Progressive and Partisan Session in History

April 20, 2021 9:19 AM | Anonymous

So, what happened?


Dr. Robin Titus
Submission to the
Reno Gazette-Journal

April 15, 2021


On Tuesday, hours before counties begin announcing their reopening plans, Governor Sisolak made a political calculation to steal their thunder for the limelight and attempt to take credit for removing social distancing guidelines and reopening the state.

So, what happened to the supposed science used to unilaterally shut the state down without any input or checks and balances from other branches of government? In fact, Nevada’s COVID-19 test positivity rate had consecutively increased every day for the previous 12 days leading up to his press conference. And the Johnson & Johnson vaccine had just been paused that same morning.

Where's the science for removing social distancing guidelines ... or was it just convenient political theater before the inevitable?

It's obvious.

This was a political calculation amid the most progressive and partisan session in history.



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