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Join the Movement: Sign the Voter ID Petition!

  • May 24, 2024
  • June 13, 2024
  • Nevada


Registration is closed

**UPDATE: LAST CHANCE TO SIGN Repair the Vote/Keystone are wrapping up collecting signatures in Northern Nevada.  Only a few more opportunities to sign the voter ID petition in Southern NV this Thursday and Friday.

We need your help to ensure the integrity of our elections by supporting the Voter ID initiative. Our goal is to collect 102,362 signatures by June 15th, and time is running out! Click REGISTER to express your interest in signing the petition.

Important Note: Signing up on our website to learn about where you can sign the Voter ID petition does NOT mean you have signed the petition. You must sign in person with a "wet" signature for your support to count.

Once we have your information, we will contact you with details on where you can go to sign the petition or arrange for a member of Repair the Vote to connect with you directly.

Repair the Vote is leading this effort, and Keystone is assisting with a grassroots effort and the help of dedicated volunteers. Your participation is crucial to making this initiative a success!

Thank you for your support in ensuring secure and fair elections in Nevada! Let's work together to meet our goal of collecting 102,362 signatures by June 15th. Your prompt response and involvement are critical!

For more information, visit the Repair the Vote website:



Keystone Corporation  |  P.O. Box 93596  |  Las Vegas, NV 89193-3596

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